Keloids & Hypertrophic Scars
Keloids are firm, smooth, hard growths due to spontaneous scar formation. They can appear soon after the injury or months later and generally extends beyond the original wound. Upper chest and shoulders are the common sites. A hypertrophic scar is thicker than a usual scar and is limited to the damaged skin. This happens when there is a lot of tension on a healing wound. Hypertrophic scars and keloids can be treated with various modalities including emollients (creams and oils), polyurethane or silicone scar reduction patches, silicone gel, pressure dressings, surgical excision, intralesional corticosteroid injection, cryotherapy and pulsed dye laser. Although keloids may persist, grow over a period and may even recur after treatment, their successful removal / treatment can be of great cosmetic significance to the affected person.