Vitiligo is a disease that causes loss of skin colour in patches. Normally, the colour of hair and skin is determined by melanin. Vitiligo occurs when cells that produce melanin die or stop functioning. It is generally a long standing disease and the prognosis depends on the type of vitiligo one has. It may be related to (i)A disorder of the immune system (autoimmune condition) (ii) Family history (heredity) (iii) A trigger event, such as stress, severe sunburn or skin trauma, such as contact with a chemical. Evaluation by an expert is required as it may be associated with other diseases like diabetes, thyroid disease etc. People with vitiligo are at increased risk of social and psychological distress, sunburn, eye problems and hearing loss. Treatment options depend upon the severity, activity and location of the lesions. An expert dermatologist will be able to provide the appropriate treatment for the disease which include topical or oral medications, Psoralen Ultraviolet A (PUVA) therapy, narrow band UVB treatment, Excimer Laser, or surgical treatment.