Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes red, itchy scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. Psoriasis usually appears in early adulthood. For most people, it affects just a few areas. In severe cases, psoriasis can cover large parts of the body. The patches can heal and then come back throughout a person's life. The exact cause of psoriasis is not known, but experts believe that it’s a combination of things. Something wrong with the immune system causes inflammation, triggering new skin cells to form too quickly. Normally, skin cells are replaced every 10 to 30 days. With psoriasis, new cells grow every 3 to 4 days. The build-up of old cells being replaced by new ones creates those silver scales. Things that can trigger an outbreak of psoriasis include, cuts, scrapes, or surgery, emotional stress, streptococcus infections, and use of certain medications (like some blood pressure medicines and antimalarials). It is a common, long-term (chronic) disease with no cure. However most of the symptoms associated with psoriasis can be managed effectively with newer treatment modalities available today. This include treatment with various topical agents like steroid creams, moisturisers, coaltar, retinoids etc. Other modalities are light therapy (UVA, NBUVB), Methotrexate, Oral retinoids and newer drugs like Apremilast, and Biologic agents. Even though there is no cure, treatment greatly reduces symptoms, even in serious cases. Recent studies have suggested that when you better control the inflammation of psoriasis, your risk of heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, and other diseases associated with inflammation go down. Therefore it is highly advisable to visit an expert dermatologist on the slightest suspicion of the disease get yourselves evaluated thoroughly. At CutopiaTM we provide world class treatment and diagnostic facilities for psoriasis.