Aging is a multifactorial, multisystem degenerative process that involves the skin and the skin support systems. Skin is the exposed part of the body and hence the most vulnerable. Aging can be intrinsic or chronological (due to passage of time) or extrinsic (due to environmental factors). Causes of skin ageing include oxidative stress, ultraviolet radiation exposure, unhealthy diet, smoking, genetic predisposition etc. Most of the extrinsic aging processes can be prevented by lifestyle modifications. Early detection and treatment to reduce obvious changes from occurring is another effective strategy. Once aging of skin is established, various surgical and non-surgical treatment modalities are available to partially revert these changes and give a person a much younger look. The decision on what treatment method suits an individual is a crucial one to make which can be done only by an experienced specialist. We at CutopiaTM are well equipped to choose the right treatment for you.