Laser Tattoo Removal
People get tattoos for many reasons, be it cultural, personal, or simply because they like the design. Tattoos are becoming more and more popular in our part of the world. Just as there are many reasons people get tattoos, there are many reasons why people may want to remove them. Laser removal is the most successful and cost-effective way to remove tattoos. The selection of the type of laser depends predominantly on the colour of the tattoo ink used. Most tattoos can be removed with a Q-switched lasers. The quality of laser machine used is also when it comes to achieving better results. Newer machines like Pico-second lasers give better result compared to the old generation machines. Older and amateur (“stick and poke”) tattoos are easier to remove than the newer ones. Some colours which are easier to remove include black, brown, dark blue and green. Further, the final results of tattoo removal also depend on other factors like darker skin, existing diseases like eczema, and other health conditions.