Dandruff Treatment
Seborrheic dermatitis, commonly called as dandruff, is a common skin condition that mainly affects the scalp. It causes scaly patches, red skin and stubborn dandruff. Sufferers may have skin flakes (dandruff) on the scalp, hair, eyebrows, beard or moustache along with patches of greasy, red and itchy skin. Hygiene issues play a key role in controlling seborrheic dermatitis. Frequent cleansing with soap removes oils from affected areas and improves seborrhoea. Medical treatment options for seborrheic dermatitis include antifungal preparations that decrease colonization by lipophilic yeast and anti-inflammatory agents like topical steroid preparations. Adherent scales can also be removed by applying any of a variety of oils (peanut, olive or mineral) to soften the scale overnight, followed by use of a detergent or coal tar shampoo. Treatment of dandruff on face, body and scalp have major differences. Therefore it is important to consult an experience dermatologist at the earliest. The treatment duration may vary from a few weeks to a few months depending upon the severity and area of involvement of the lesions. Even though it needs long term treatment, adequate response can be achieved in almost all cases.